DEMO Online Application

Application Deadlines: Round 1 – November 22, 2024 & Round 2 – February 28, 2025

Admission Application Procedures:

  • One Application per Student
  • Student and a parent or legal guardian must complete this application together
  • Please complete all sections of this application
  • You will be required to have a BC ID, upload test scores (ACCUPLACER, SAT, OR ACT), and upload transcripts (applicable to private, charter, and homeschooled applicants ONLY) prior to submitting the application.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered
  • If the information provided is inaccurate, the applicant may be disqualified from further consideration
  • Once your application is complete, please click the submit button.

Applications and student records will be reviewed to determine if application meets eligibility requirements. To view eligibility requirements please click here.

For admission/application questions, please contact Dr. Bryan, Admissions Coordinator College Academy @ BC at 754-321-6924 or email

For technical issues submitting this application, please contact Dr. Bryan, Admissions Coordinator College Academy @ BC at 754-321-6924 or email


Create Application Login

This information will be needed to check the status of your application online.

Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.

Student Information

Students applying to the College Academy @ BC must be a Broward County resident at the time of application.

According to the Higher Education Act of 1965, 1998 Higher Education Act Amendments, the term "first generation college student" means-

(A) An individual both of whose parents did not complete a baccalaureate degree;


(B) In the case of an individual who regularly resides with and received support from only one parent, an individual whose only such parent did not complete a baccalaureate degree.

This information is for data collection only and will not be used for admission purposes.

Parent Information

Assignment Priority

Requirements: The following priorities shall be honored, in the order listed, prior to the computerized random selection process for students who meet the eligibility criteria: 

1. Students who have a parent/legal guardian that is active duty military personnel.

2. Students who have a sibling that is a current junior attending CA@BC who will continue to attend the following year.

3. Students who have a parent/legal guardian that is a School Board of Broward County employee that works full or part time for CA@BC and/or a Broward College employee that works full or part time for CA@BC.

Student Education Data


Applicants must be registered as a 10th grader at the time of application.

CA@BC applicants are required to have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.25 or higher at the time of application.

The FSI number is your Broward County Public School student number - begins with 06.

If you are a private school, charter school, or home school student, and you do not have a FSI number, please enter 01.

Attendance Expectations

All College Academy students are expected to attend class daily and adhere to BCPS / BC attendance guidelines and expectations outlined in each course syllabus. First year College Academy students are also required to attend summer term 3A.

Broward College ID and Broward College Email

A Broward College ID number and email is required to submit an application for College Academy.

If you do not have a BC ID number or email please go to to complete a Broward College application and obtain an ID number and email.

After you complete the BC application and receive your BC ID#, you MUST return to your CA@BC application to complete the rest of the application sections and submit your CA@BC application.

If you already have a BC ID number you do not need to reapply.

To obtain a Broward College ID number you must complete a Broward College application. Go to Instructions are on the CA website.

Broward College issues a BC email when the Broward College application is submitted - the email will end with

Campus Selection

College Academy campus selection is determined by your address.

Students may not change their campus choice once the computerized random selection process is complete.

Students living south of Sunrise Boulevard select Central Campus. Students living north of Sunrise Boulevard select North Campus.


Broward County Public Schools provides transportation to eligible students (those that reside more than 2 miles from campus).

Eligible students residing south of Sunrise Boulevard will be transported to Central Campus and students living north of Sunrise Boulevard will be transported to North Campus.

Good Conduct and Academic Certification

I (student) understand that if I have experienced disciplinary problems (excluding minor infractions) at another educational institution or with other authorities (not including minor traffic violations), I must write a statement regarding the circumstances in the box provided below.

I understand that this information will not necessarily exclude me from admission and will be handled confidentially.

Student Consent

PLEASE READ: I authorize Broward College and The College Academy @ BC to share and consult with each other regarding my academic information. I authorize CA/BC to obtain my school records. I agree to the release of my transcripts and test scores to CA/BC. I agree to abide by the Academic Honesty policy and all other rules and regulations of Broward College and the School Board of Broward County’s Code of Student Conduct. I also understand that I must maintain a 2.5 college grade point average to remain at the College Academy. I agree to allow my academic, attendance, conduct records, and test scores to be screened as part of the admissions process. I give my permission for Broward College and College Academy to share my test scores as part of the admissions process. I certify that all statements given in this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

By applying to College Academy via this application process you are agreeing to allow College Academy to review your educational records.

Electronic signature (type name) of student is required.

Parent-Guardian Consent

PLEASE READ" I understand that the dual enrollment courses may contain mature and controversial topics. I understand that my child must continue to demonstrate acceptable performance (attendance, academics, and conduct) by CA and BC policy to remain at CA." Failure to complete or provide all requested information throughout the admission process by the specified deadline may cause this application to be rejected. Failure to respond to an offer of acceptance by the specified deadline will be interpreted as refusal of program acceptance. Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance. By typing my signature below, I acknowledge my understanding of the conditions for this application and the process for admissions.

By applying to College Academy via this application process you are agreeing to allow College Academy to review your child's educational records.

Electronic signature (type name) of parent is required.

Submit CA@BC Application

To complete the College Academy @ BC application, click the "Submit" button located after the Admissions Coordinator section below.

The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. The School Board also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/or harassment complaint may call the Director, Equal Educational Opportunities/ADA Compliance Department & District’s Equity Coordinator/Title IX Coordinator at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754-321-2158.

Individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, (ADAAA) may call Equal Educational Opportunities/ADA Compliance Department at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754- 321-2158.

Admin Use Only